Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Life is Uncertain / 人生无常

Last night when we had dinner together at 莆田restaurant at Jurong Point, ゆ mentioned her colleague was diagnosed with duodenal carcinoma. She is only 27 years old. Such a pity. She had always been very strong. All of a sudden this problem came when she went back to Japan recently to attend her cousin's wedding. Life is really short and out of everybody's control.

昨晚,我们几人一起去Jurong Point的莆田吃饭的时候,ゆ突然提起她的同事得了十二指肠癌,年仅27岁,实在很可惜,她向来身体强壮,最近她回日本参加一个亲戚的婚礼,发现了该问题,令人不得不感叹,天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,黄泉路上无老少啊!